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Stitch & Sew Home: Over 45 Cross Stitch, Embroidery and Sewing Projects a lui Eline Pellinkhof.
Demult zarisem acest trandafir si am vrut sa-l brodez. Acum cind am inceput sa cos portofele stiu unde pot sa aplic micile broderii :)) Trandafirul e brodat pe in foarte marunt, nici nu stiu ce numar e. Il cumparasem cativa ani in urma la unul din Knitting and Stitching Show la Alexandra Palace.
De data asta la cusatura ramei am adaugat cate o mergica. Imi place stofa de pe margini de culoarea mintei cu floricele cafenii. Ador uzoare micute pe stofe. Nu pot lucra cu desene mari :P
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Ещё один кошелёк с вышитой розочкой из книги Stitch & Sew Home: Over 45 Cross Stitch, Embroidery and Sewing Projects автор Eline Pellinkhof. Давно хотела вышить маленькую розу но не знала куда потом её приложить :)
Хорошо сейчас с новым увлечением кошельками я буду вышивать маленькие схемки для их декора. Роза вышита на мелком льне номер не помню точно, но больше 40. Смотрится очень нежно.
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Another coin purse with embroidered crossstitch pattern from the book Stitch & Sew Home: Over 45 Cross Stitch, Embroidery and Sewing Projects by Eline Pellinkhof. I wanted to crossstitch this rose for long time, I didn't know where to use it. Now with my new passion for coin purse sewing I know where to apply lots of crosstsitch small patterns :)
The rose is embroidered on a very tiny linen (I can't remember the number more than 40, I think) I bought from Knitting and Stitching Show two years ago. I like fabrics with small patterns, and when I saw the minty colour with tiny brown flowers I thought it should look pretty with the rose pattern.